There's 2 types of Coach bags, one specially made for factory (outlet) and one is from the full price store (boutique).
2. There's no difference in terms of quality between factory made and boutique made.
3. Bags from the boutique will usually end up in the outlet if they did not sell well in the boutique or overstock.
4. Factory made bags did not come with a dustbag. Only boutique items comes with a dustbag. However, on rare occasion they do remove the dustbag. This is done to cut the cost.
5. There's no difference between white and brown dustbag. From what I understand, the white dustbag is much more cheaper than the brown dustbag. That's another way they can lower the prices in the outlet.
6. A friend of mine usually ask for gift receipt for proof of authenticity, however, since they need details for that she can no longer ask for gift receipts. This is to ensure that she can still get the items at a bargain price for my valued customers. I'm willing to show you the real receipt if you need any.
7. Coach uses ykk zippers. Be sure to check if the markings are on the zippers.
- The simplest way in determining authenticity would be examining the layout of the signature C’s.
- The C’s should be lined up perfectly to the center.
- However, it is not uncommon for the mini-signature C collections to be off by tiny bit only on the sides.
- So don’t panic.
Up until 2002 about 75% of coach handbags were manufactured in the US. Now, most are assembled in China.
The interior serial number should start with “No”, the abbreviation for number, and have 4 numbers after the dash, not 3.
The writing should be neat on the authenticity tag, not crookedly stamped on. Also the paragraph above the serial number should be in all caps, and in English.
Rest assure that I don't sell fake items in this blog. I only sell 100% authentic items direct from US. Period.